Advertising Review: Leverage Next Gen Annotation Tools to Streamline the Review Process

RegEd is excited to announce expanded support for annotations within the industry-leading Enterprise Advertising Review solution.  Reviewers and submitters can now annotate materials using their browser of choice (Internet Explorer 11, Chrome v75+, Firefox v62+, Edge v44+) to allow more flexibility according to their preferences. 

Additionally, users may now optionally ‘lock’ annotation comments such that only the individual that submitted the comment will be permitted to delete it, regardless of when created in the review process. 

The enhanced annotation tool allows reviewers to easily provide specific feedback on review items by adding comments, highlighting and leveraging various markup tools. Subsequently, the tool allows the submitter to respond and make any corrections as necessary, all within the solution – thus eliminating the need to rely on historical emails or other external means of collaboration.

RegEd’s PDF Annotation Tool

Advertising Review now enables you to submit and track audio and video annotations to both simplify the review process and improve turnaround times. Leverage multiple methods of reviewing material that can be utilized based on the review content and your preferred annotation method for your optimized submission and review experience using Advertising Review!

RegEd’s Audio/Video Annotation Tool

If you have questions about updating your instance of Advertising Review to include these exciting new features, please reach out to your Relationship Manager.

If you’re not currently utilizing RegEd’s Advertising Review solution, please contact to learn more!

Want to see more? Watch this short 2-Minute video to see how Advertising Review can help your firm.

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